Eye Health:

Taking care of the eyes is crucial as the eyes are a delicate sense organ.

Here are some steps to maintain your peepers’ good health

  • Eat right to protect your sight: To maintain good eye health, primarily focus on your food intake. Fill your plate with the green and leafy vegetables. Add omega-3 fatty acids which are present in oily fishes like salmon or tuna. Add protein sources like eggs, beans, and others. Nuts and legumes like peanuts, cashews, or walnuts also support eye health. Citrus fruits like oranges or lemons contain vitamin C which plays a major role in eye health.
  • Stay hydrated as dehydration can cause your eyes to dry out and feel uncomfortable
  • Quit smoking as smoking leads to severe eye conditions such as cataracts or may damage macular degeneration
  • Protective Eyewear: Consult with the doctor and choose the right pair of shades to protect your eyes from the harmful sun’s ultraviolet(UV)  rays. Use safety eyewear while outdoors. For instance, if you are a sportsperson like ice hockey player or racquetball player, wear eye-protective glasses or safety goggles to prevent any eye injury. 
  • Give your eyes a 20/20/20 Rule Break:  Intense use of the eyes such as staring at computer screens or using mobile phones for too long can cause eye strain, blurry vision, or dry eyes. While on such excessive screen time(close tasks) follow this rule i.e, every 20 minutes, look about 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Eye care while reading or writing: Ensuring good light while reading or writing at nighttime is important to avoid any eye strain. Maintain a proper desk light, if you have weak vision, use a bright light source. Give your eyes 20/20/20 Rule and give rest to your eyes by walking for a while. 
  • Proper Contact Lens Care: Be careful with your contact lenses. Wash your hands before putting in or taking out your contact lenses.

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